The logistic was phenomenal. I have never been in one Olympia show yet, but everybody out there compared it with it. The hotel hostage gave us the best service: buses running every 5 minutes to the Convention Center, sponsors presenting their products and delivering to the audience, bunch of fans, and recognized faces signing autographs during the two days event.
I truly felt that sense of belonging that never before I experimented with any of my hobbies on the past. Friday night, after the women IFFB bodybuilder conference; I had my photo shoot with Dan Ray. Saturday morning I woke up at 5:30 a.m., and I went to the gym at the hotel. By my surprised it was full. At that particular moment I felt that in order to be successful, I have to work as hard as others. It was inspirational! On Sunday, after I come back from my trip and take a nap, I went to my gym in Houston. I didn’t feel tired or guilty for not been resting; on the contrary, I just did what other successful athlete was supposed to do, and I sure they were doing it.
I have to thanks the guys from the reception in Dallas, my friend and former co-worker Pamela Denson, who was an excellent hosted. I really appreciate her time and her husband hospitality.
“Disfruten” the photos ……